
Monday, November 3, 2014

Ultimate Holiday Giveaway - Pack 1!

Let me  know how excited you would be if you won!

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  1. It really depends on how busy the season is if I get my Christmas shopping finished early or not. I definitely don't wait until the last week to shop. I prefer to have a fun shopping experience.

  2. well I use to start the first part of dec,and do the rest with my christmass bonus but I am disabled now and don't do christmass gift giving for frankly I don't have the money.

  3. I shop all year to try to get the best deal for Christmas gifts.

  4. I start shopping around my birthday, in September, because that's when I get extra money so my funds for bills aren't depleted as greatly. :)

  5. I start my holiday shopping as soon as Christmas is over. I try to find deals throughout the whole year!

  6. I have somewhat started shopping. I put in some items in my cart in Amazon.

  7. I actually like to make many of the gifts that I give for the holidays. I usually purchase a few items during the year and I love all the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

  8. I start shopping the day after Christmas. I keep an eye out for gifts all year long. My biggest problem is remembering where I hid stuff.

  9. I start shopping the day after Christmas. That's when you can get the best deals. I have a really good hiding spot.

  10. Lori Faires

    I shop for Christmas all year long. When ever I see something that's on sale and fits a person on my list I buy it.

  11. I shop all year looking for just the right gift and price.

  12. I shop all year as I find great deals. It's the only way I can afford it and get it all done. I am a big procrastinator when it comes to wrapping though. I usually have a marathon session Christmas Eve.

  13. I am a last minute shopper waiting for the bargains.

  14. I start looking around Halloween and actual shopping on Black Friday.

  15. I'm a shopper. I have a set of shelves in the back of my closet where I put gifts. When I find something that I think will be perfect for someone, I buy it, put a stickynote on it with their name & put it on the shelves. Whenever there is a birthday, special occasion, or the Holidays, I am prepared with a gift. I have twelve grandkids, so I always have to have something!

  16. I start on Black Friday and end on Christmas Eve lol

  17. I start thinking about Christmas gifts sometime in October. But I typically don't actually get the shopping done until the second week of December (after my birthday, LOL).

  18. I shop through the year. I also tend to make a number of gifts as I am a knitter and I love to bake items that I know that others enjoy.

  19. Christmas is a busy time of year. This would be awesome to win

  20. I'm generally an early shopper, however, with the horrible year that we've had (hospitalizations, surgeries, Illnesses, not working, etc) I have not been able to afford to purchase anything yet! I've been having panic attacks for a couple of months now, fretting over Christmas and how can I make it a Terrific one for all of the kids! I have to purchase for at least, my daughter & grandkids (who live on Fort Campbell, KY) kids are 4 and 1 1/2! Plus the 2 here at home; ages 5 and 9! I'm totally freaking out because, by now, I'm usually almost done! I haven't even been able to get started yet because of the money situation here at home! Thanks, Michele

  21. I usually start the first of November though I have been known to have bought some gifts as early as August.

  22. I don't do much shopping for the holidays as our family doesn't exchange gifts.

  23. I do not have a lot of shopping to do during the holidays but what I do, I do methodically, over a couple of months watching out for sales on the items I want.

    alyce poalillo

  24. I start my Christmas shopping as soon as Christmas is over. I look all year for sales and good deals.

  25. I start around the beginning of December!

  26. I usually start early in Oct. but most years I still end up doing a lot of last minute shopping.

  27. I usually try to start holiday shopping in January, but this year, I didn't really get started until October.

  28. I sometimes pick up a thing here and there, but most of mine is last minute. I keep saying, next year I am going to start early...never seems to happen. :)

  29. I already started shopping this week! I'm a planner, gotta start early!

  30. I have started my shopping. I don't like waiting until the last minute as things are picked over so I start early.

  31. Honestly I am a last minute shopper but this year I want to start on Black Friday

  32. I usually start Christmas thinking (the pre-shopping) in September or so. I usually keep an eye out for deals on those items in October/November and finally rush out in December to pick up everything last minute!

  33. I start shopping right after Thanksgiving and usually finish about a week before Christmas.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  34. I usually start my holiday shopping right after halloween, but it's really hard not to get overly excited and start way early.
    I always end up spending more than expected on gifts because I start early though!

  35. I usually start in December when the budget for it is more planned out. So I am more of a last minute shopper for sure.

  36. No shopping for me. Keep it simple. PLEASE!

  37. I start Christmas shopping all through the year. I look for all sort of things from toys to electronic thingies.

  38. I usually don't start shopping until after Thanksgiving and wind up being out on Christmas Eve making last minute purchases. I procrastinate a little too much.

  39. When I did a lot of Christmas gift giving I would shop all through the year. Now I mostly shop in December for stocking candy and small gifts. Would never go out on Black Friday because I don't really like shopping and to me that day is insane!! LOL!

  40. I always intend to shop early, but it never works out that way....always down to the wire here!

  41. I alwaysalways say I'm going to start in Augus, however, I never do. I end up being a last minute shopper.

  42. I do my holiday shopping all year. I keep an eye out for deals and clearance sales and stock up on gifts.

  43. I start and finish my shopping the first 2 weeks of December. I am a planner and know exactly what I'm getting for everyone before I start shopping. The past few years I have done most of my shopping on-line and have only went to the store for a few things.

  44. I'm kind of a last-minute shopper unless I think of great ideas early enough.

  45. I make holiday lists and I start about now.

  46. I am a planner and have already started but to be honest I am guilty of shopping for more or last minute stuff on December 24th! That whole last week before christmas I am constantly running out to pick up more stuff that I forgot or think i may need.

  47. I try to plan ahead, honestly I do! But we have 5 children, 2 of their spouses and 9 grandchildren. So usually I am still running around at the last minute.

  48. I get all of my shopping done on Black Friday or later. I'm an impulse shopper.

  49. I have to shop on a budget,time and sales, I prefer not to shop at the last minute but money emergencies keep jumping up every time I think I have funds to spare a stove break down,car trouble,doctor bills,the necessities of life take the front seat but I still have the Christmas spirit and I do the best that I can.

  50. I usually start at the beginning of the month of November, but this year I will be starting when I get home from work (traveling nurse) & yes I do some last minute shopping!

  51. I started mine last year with Christmas clearance.

  52. I shop all year round I am a planner, I love to get a deal so I am always looking and planning

  53. I usually start my holiday shopping at the first of December. I try not to put it off to the last minute, but there are always a few gifts that end up being bought a day or 2 before Christmas. I do a good deal of online buying as well.

  54. I try to pick up things during the year, but I am actually starting to buy now and expect to finish on Black Friday

  55. I shop year-round but I'm not as much of a planner as I probably should be. I buy stuff when something jumps out at me as being perfect for someone -- especially if I can get a good deal on it. But then when it gets to be about December I realize that I still need to buy presents for about half the people on my list and and go into shopping panic mode.

  56. I start shopping a month or 2 before christmas, but I wait until last minute if I don't know what to get someone.

  57. I am definitely not an early shopper. I don't know how some ppl start planning in July. lol I usually start off strong in December and get the bulk of it done. then every year I'm always struggling to find those last few gifts usually a couple days before Christmas.

  58. It changes every year as to when I start but I always do it little by little. When I start depends on how busy I am, when I'm in the mood to do it, etc. Usually I'm buying the last gift days before Christmas so I guess that qualifies me as somewhat lasy minute!

  59. I have already finished most of my Christmas shopping! I did a lot of it online this year!

  60. I always intend to shop early, but often put it off and scramble last minute!

  61. I start shopping around November. I have not bought anything yet though.

  62. I usually start my shopping in November. I pick things up as I see them.

  63. I always have great intentions to start early but it doesn't always happen!

  64. I like to start early in September. I am a planner.
    Thanks for the chance.

  65. I tell myself that I am going to get a head start on Christmas shopping every year but I always end up doing it last minute.

  66. I start early. I usually pick things up as I see them throughout the year, but I do the majority of it after Thanksgiving.

  67. I usually start my holiday shopping in full swing on Black Friday. I may pick up an item or two before hand but Black Friday is when it is game time.

  68. I haven't started yet, usually the beginning of December

  69. I plan. But with 9 grandchildren and 5 children and their spouses, I am usually doing some last minute shopping.

  70. I start shopping as soon as I see something someone would like sometimes January and sometimes not untilNOvember

  71. I'm almost done with my shopping!

  72. I'm a big planner: I make lists for everyone who we buy gifts for; I make lists of all of the stores' offerings; I read blogs predicting the timing for the best prices. I wait quite a while to actually start purchasing, though.


    amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com

  73. I am trying to start earlier this year and have already ordered some toys for my grandchildren. But usually I am still shopping on Christmas Eve!

  74. I start shopping in late October and finish at the very last minute, unfortunately.

  75. I start my holiday shopping after Thanksgiving. I don't like to start earlier because i like to have a good idea of what I want to purchase. Shopping too early has resulted in gifts that were either already purchased, or minds changed. Of course, like many others I am scurrying at the last minute.

  76. I've never been a holiday shopper so I do not have a set time. I purchase gifts for people whenever I see something they like regardless of the time of year.

  77. I like to be prepared for my Christmas shopping. I start in late July/early August when Target has the annual toy clearance. Then I pick things up as I see great deals. I finish my shopping up on Black Friday

  78. I have already started shopping. I got an early start this year.

  79. I am sort of a last minute shopper! I plan through out the holiday season what I want to buy and then try and buy it once I find the best deal!

  80. I am a huge planner and start my holiday shopping the day after Christmas for the following y ear!!

  81. i like to start early but i all ways end up been last minute shopper for a few family members

  82. I start in March or April so that I am not stressed out during the holiday season. As of right now I am 75% finished , just a couple of big gifts to buy that I am waiting to go on sale.

  83. I like to plan ahead, so I'm on the lookout for holiday gifts all year long! I never leave holiday shopping 'til the last minute!

  84. for financial reasons usually at the last possible moment because I dont know how much i will have to spend


  86. I am normally a last minute person,,we try to see what money we will have after saving to as close to Christmas as possible because that extra $10 from each paycheck we can manage to save helps get another gift

  87. I shop whenever the heck I find something I need. I have been saving stuff all year for the niece's and nephews Christmas!

  88. I shop year round because with 5 kids it's the only way to lessen the expense.

  89. I tend be a last minute shopper. Should start earlier, just never do,
    Jennifer Rote

  90. I like to start in September, but sometimes I am not able to

  91. For many years I started shopping right after Christmas, shopped Christmas in July sales and even the (now - for me) dreaded Black Friday sales. Since we're now retired and the (10) grandchildren are pretty much grown-up I shop less. Because I'm shopping less I tend to put if off until December!

  92. I'm a shop year round kind of person.I love the thrift stores.also the stores have great markdowns after each holiday,to eliminate stock.I'm a bargainaholic.also that leaves me with more money to buy other things not on sale.

  93. I usually start around Halloween to buy my gifts. When the weather starts to turn cool I get in the mood!

  94. Last minute. I hate shopping. I try to avoid but I do make a plan. Then walk around in a dazz doing it. Lol

  95. I do my shopping last minute since I find more sales closer to the holiday

    Carla C

  96. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)November 16, 2014 at 4:29 AM

    I typically pick up things throughout the year when I'm out and about and then (right about now but I haven't done it yet) I pull everything out that I've gotten to see what I have for who and what I still need to get. On Black Friday, I try to crank out all of the shopping and get most of everything else I need which leaves December for me to pick up odds and ends and eliminates some of the hassles of shopping.

  97. Honestly I usually start shopping for the children in October. But this year due to family problems I will not be able to do the normal shopping. It is a real bummer but everything happens for a reason. Just not sure why this happened. :D

  98. I don't usually start my holiday shopping until Black Friday.

  99. I'm a planner - I already started for Christmas.

  100. Unfortunately, I'm a procrastinator. There has been plenty of years where I have finished my shopping Christmas Eve!

  101. I start my shopping early. I start for the next year right after the holidays are over. I also shop continuously throughout the year, especially end of season merchandise. This way, I am not scrambling at the last minute.

  102. It seems that every year I try to start early, and end up scrambling at the last minute. This year, I started a little early, and am hoping to finish early.

  103. I usually start shopping at the beginning of November. I would shop all year long, but I would end of giving the gift to the person before hand because I wouldn't be able to wait.

  104. Ive started now and just go little by little. Some years I start real early, some in Nov. I do a lot on Black Friday

  105. I try to start in september, but most is In december. :)

  106. I start looking in November for gifts. Just browsing and such, sometimes picking up small things. December is when I usually end up buying the bigger gifts, even though it should be earlier.

  107. We do our shopping in the summer. We are self-employed outside and that's when we have the most income.

  108. I plan holiday shopping early in the year so by the time the holidays roll around I am already complete. I like to shop earlier in the year as I see things on sale that I know friends and family will love.

  109. I start in august. I hate waiting til last minute.

  110. I start in July or August.. it helps to spread the bills out a bit and avoids the crazy rush. I also have extended family who live in South america so everything has to be in the mail before thanks giving. I rarely finish before Christmas eve!

  111. I'm a last minute shopper. Every year I say I'm not doing it again the next but then I'm still out there at the last minute!

  112. I started my Christmas shopping a couple of weeks ago, and will probably finish by the beginning of December.

    tderosa142 at gmail dot com

  113. When my kids were younger I was a huge planner but now I tend to last minute everything. Just seems to lose the magic of snowflakes and wonderment when the kids lose the sparkle of Santa.
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  114. While I do try to plan my Christmas shopping, I don't usually start until sometime after Thanksgiving. If possible though, I do avoid last-minute shopping.

  115. If I see something while I'm out and I know someone who would want it, I just pick it up whatever time of the year.

  116. I start holiday shopping this month in Novemember. I like to wait for the sales.

  117. I shop all year long for xmas gifts finding stuff on sale!

  118. I use to shop early but this year it is going to be a last minute shopping ordeal for me but i am mostly shopping for my grandson so it shouldnt be to bad

  119. I usually don't start until after my husbands birthday 12/8, however, this year, since we are having to travel for Christmas week, I have already started a little I can, while also planning his birthday.

    Samantha (samdaleo)

  120. I shop year round - whenever I find a good sale or something special that's a must-have - & stash things away.

  121. We actually don't have money to do gift shopping and thus don't...

  122. I usually start either the week or day before Christmas. I don't have very many people to buy for.

  123. I start shopping the first week of December and I do it online to avoid the crowd,and it saves me time because the stores doesn't always carry what im looking for

  124. We usually don't start until the last minute due to waiting on the Christmas bonus

  125. Usually we'll start on black Friday, and go from there. Sometimes I'll buy things last minute too. I'm a terrible giver for the fact that I will buy someone something, and be so excited to give it to them, that I usually will give it to them before Christmas. My husband knows this and will get it out of me too lol.

  126. I usually manage to get a lot done early, but then always seem to have a rush of last minute items to get right before Christmas.

  127. I start when I see a good price for something I think someone who love.

  128. I try to plan as much as possible but am more of a last minute shopper.

  129. I start around August and never is done til right before Christmas.

  130. I start as soon as I make the closet space.. There are always deals year round to pick up for the holidays.

  131. Usually a last minute shopper. This year I am completely done, I have some presents to wrap and a few packages to send out.

  132. I kind of shop all year long. When I see something I think will be good for the holidays, I buy it. I usually start my serious shopping around October.

  133. I start holiday shopping as early as August and September. I am definitely a plan ahead kind of person because I have very low funds and three kids plus tons of nieces and nephews that I try and help buy for.

  134. I start Christmas shopping right after Christmas, I shop sales when I can and I enter contests to get Christmas gifts. I try to spend the least amount of money possible because I am disabled and on a limited income.

  135. I try to start in early November. I sort of plan, but there are some things I buy up until the last minute.

  136. I shop all year around have a little closet for my finds

  137. I always start shopping last minute. Not until 2 weeks before the holidays

  138. I shop all year long. I pick up things all the time when I find them on sale, and store them in a special "gift" closet. When the kids' birthdays roll around, I empty the closet and wrap anything I've bought for them. At Christmas, I empty the closet again and wrap presents for Christmas.

  139. I try to start in November. So far I've gotten my kids a few presents. I don't like waiting until the last minute, I get too stressed!

  140. I usually start shopping in October because that's when I find some great deals and that's when my kids start talking about Christmas. I'm a big planner, and I'm always looking for the best deal.


Thank you for stopping by Monica's Rants, Raves, & Reviews...I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Please comment and come back anytime!

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