
Monday, December 9, 2013

$200 Walmart Gift Card! Ends Dec. 9!

Wouldn't it be nice to have some extra money for the upcoming holidays?  Winning this $200 gift card to Walmart could put a nice turkey on your table and bread in your basket!  

Hosted by:

Co-Hosted by:

One lucky winner will win
$200 GC for Walmart

November 18 to December 9
US Residents only
All entries are optional
We appreciate the support of our  co-hosts, please show your support 
by following them on their social medias pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: Monica's Rants, Raves & Reviews is not responsible for the awarding of the prize. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. If you have any questions about this giveaway, please email the host at

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  1. Oh it would be so wonderful to win & get a jump on Holiday shopping :)

  2. Would love to win, could do a lot for the 2 grandkids that live with


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